Clean Water and Jobs for California is a coalition of business, agriculture, labor, public water agencies and others organized to educate Californians about the need to invest in the state’s water infrastructure to sustain and grow jobs, and protect the economy and environment.
Coalition members believe California must make immediate and ongoing investments to upgrade our system of waterways, conveyances, levees, pipelines, canals, treatment plants, storage facilities and develop new and expanded facilities for water recycling and desalination. Without the necessary investments, the state’s economy, quality of life and environment will be at risk.
The coalition’s mission is to:
- Educate and build awareness among third parties, the media and opinion leaders about the problems facing our water system and need to act now to repair and upgrade the system.
- Educate Californians on the benefits of investing in water infrastructure projects, including job creation and a strong foundation to sustain and grow the state’s economy.
- Conduct research to better understand public awareness of California’s water system, water quality, ecosystem health and future water needs so the coalition and public agencies can better communicate with California residents, policy makers and opinion leaders.
- Conduct regional press events, forums and other education activities to highlight local water system challenges and proposed solutions.
Clean Water and Jobs for California is a non-profit, 501c4 public benefit corporation and is spearheaded by the Association of California Water Agencies, the California Alliance for Jobs, and the California Building Industry Association.